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Re: gEDA-user: Color silk layers in pcb

On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 11:53 +0200, Pawel Kusmierski wrote:
> Dear fellow GEDA-users,
>    Can I get pcb to either treat a layer other than the default silk as
>    non-metal
>    (so it would not short pads and mess up nets),

Please note, your SUBJECT may be misleading...

No, currently we have only one silk layer. You may "miss-use" other
copper layers for that task -- it may work when that layer is not in
your real copper layer groups, but unfortunately it still connects to
vias and can generate shorts. I did that for visual marks, distinct from
other silk marks, and I copy that layer to silk before gerber
production. (Some of us hope that sometimes we will have general propose
layers, so that we can select type and other parameters separate...)

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

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