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Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

On 09/08/2011 10:03 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:
Yes, i know that the workflow is tool dependent, but there are many
tools out there that follow a more or less similar workflow and i think
gEDA should match that as well.

If there is a good reason to deviate from that "common" workflow, it should
be marked s
One way to do an integrated GUI is to do it flow specific, but with settings
you can change the flow.  When you change the flow, the GUI looks different and
has reminders for the chosen flow and nothing else.  And a banner at top says,
gschem-to-pcb, or gschem-to-PADS, or "icarus-verilog-gnucap-simulation-gschem-pcb" or,
GNSPICE-simulation-gschem-gnetlist-to-chip-layout ...

These GUIs could have names to launch the tool manager with the settings set,
and some users would use the first one and never open a manual.  And John Doty
might never write the last one, since he doesn't like a GUI for EDA work.

icarus-verilog-gnucap-simulation-gschem-pcb is going to need some low level work first,
but you get the idea...

Now if I just had a budget.


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