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Re: [pygame] Unexpect blit behavior when using BLEND_ADD


yeah, you can do pygame on top of opengl in a few different ways.  SDL
1.3/2 has opengl support built in.  Also you can use things like
lamina (http://pitchersduel.python-hosting.com/browser/branches/Lamina/)
to use opengl with SDL 1.2.x.  But, obviously opengl sucks in certain
ways - like it doesn't exist at all on some computers, or is buggy -
which is why we use software.  So I guess this discussion is about
improving the software blitters :)


On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Greg Ewing
<greg.ewing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> René Dudfield wrote:
> > ... or we use a runtime assembler to generate the required blitters at
> > run time ;)
> >
>  Or reimplement pygame on top of OpenGL...
>  Isn't someone already working on that?
>  --
>  Greg