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Re: [pygame] pygame.midi using portmidi?

René Dudfield wrote:

I've added the start of a midi module using portmidi.  It's a python
module at the moment, and uses the pyportmidi wrapper underneath.

Lenard has also added portmidi to the windows prebuilts, so the
portmidi dlls are available on windows.

The latest Pygame dependencies for Windows can be found at:


0c9b5c65dbd10b5469d2523cf58b7890 *prebuilt-pygame1.9.0-msvcr71-win32.zip

The Python 2.4/2.5 one is the most recent. The 2.6 prebuilt lacks portmidi. I need to confirm a bug fix before I officially release a Pygame 1.9.0 build for Python 2.6. I also hope to have numpy ready (built but untried).

Lenard Lindstrom