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Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?

Charles Christie wrote:
Oh. :P

Interesting idea, but I really have no clue on how to program
something like that...
Another, probably more managable idea, is to lay words out on a +, so you type the up word to move up,
the down word to move down, and some extra word if you want to shoot / bomb... etc.
obviously when i say 'down word' i don't actually mean the word 'down.'

On 1/30/07, Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
> Actually, you would only move if you held the "TAB" button, else you'd
> type.
He was suggesting an intriguing alternate control scheme,
not asking how your game worked :)
>>> The thing is that moving would be mapped, on a qwerty keyboard:
>>> WASD, IKJL, and the up, 5, left and right buttons on a numpad.
>> There's an interesting idea in there somewhere. Suppose
>> movement was *only* done using alphabetic keys. Then the
>> words you typed would have the side effect of moving you
>> around in various ways. To allow you some freedom of
>> movement, you'd have a set of words to choose from at any
>> moment. The game would then be to choose which word to
>> type next to move you in the direction you want to go...
>> --
>> Greg