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Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?

Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
Actually, you would only move if you held the "TAB" button, else you'd
He was suggesting an intriguing alternate control scheme,
not asking how your game worked :)
The thing is that moving would be mapped, on a qwerty keyboard:
WASD, IKJL, and the up, 5, left and right buttons on a numpad.
There's an interesting idea in there somewhere. Suppose
movement was *only* done using alphabetic keys. Then the
words you typed would have the side effect of moving you
around in various ways. To allow you some freedom of
movement, you'd have a set of words to choose from at any
moment. The game would then be to choose which word to
type next to move you in the direction you want to go...
