On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 12:38 AM, John Eriksson <
john@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any guidelines on how to use/configure soundfx/music in pygame
> without getting crack n' pops or lag.
> I know this is probably an SDL-issue but I know that several people has
> looked at this problem.
> Are there any best practices for choosing Sampling rate, Sample size, Buffer
> size etc.?
> Right now I avoid using sound/music in my games because I can't get it to
> work properly. I might be able to tweak the settings to get it to play
> alright on my Ubuntu laptop...but then it won't work on my XP laptop and
> vice versa.
> Besides "normal" projects I plan to do some games for blind and visual
> impaired users and then the sound is crucial.
> Help!
> Best Regards
> /John