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Re: [pygame] Guidelines for sound?

To be more explicit - the intent with pygame 1.8.1 is that you will not need to manage this problem - and the audio should work without crackle pop or significant lag on all platforms using the default mixer init settings.

...However pygame 1.8.0 has a fairly serious bug where the mixer settings are always clobbered to values that are likely to produce crackle and pop problems on systems that are suceptible to the problem, and no init setting tweaking can fix that.

...Or to put it another way - if this issue is important to you, please try 1.8.1 and report any problems with it.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 4:19 PM, René Dudfield <renesd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think we finally fixed up the crackling sound with pygame 1.8.1
(soon to be released).

You can get release candidate binaries here:


On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 12:38 AM, John Eriksson <john@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any guidelines on how to use/configure soundfx/music in pygame
> without getting crack n' pops or lag.
> I know this is probably an SDL-issue but I know that several people has
> looked at this problem.
> Are there any best practices for choosing Sampling rate, Sample size, Buffer
> size etc.?
> Right now I avoid using sound/music in my games because I can't get it to
> work properly. I might be able to tweak the settings to get it to play
> alright on my Ubuntu laptop...but then it won't work on my XP laptop and
> vice versa.
> Besides "normal" projects I plan to do some games for blind and visual
> impaired users and then the sound is crucial.
> Help!
> Best Regards
> /John