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[pygame] Testing

Just a quick note,

Still waiting on my fan, it's getting shipped in from Amurricah.

I wrote a run_tests_sub.py the other day that uses subprocess to run each xxxx_test.py in the trunk/test directory.

It will run with an optional threads paramater:  -t num_threads

$ run_tests_sub.py -t 4

Apparently this runs faster on mult-core.

It should output results similar to run_tests.py though may need tweaking to get it run transparently in place of run_tests.py for the build page.

Speaking of the build page, Rene and I have had a few ideas for a combined build / test web app that collected builds and test statistics ( profiling / passes etc). Also, a means to distribute the writing of tests. Many hands make light work.

If it was possible to be assigned a stub of a test to fill out and then post it back painlessly we could quite quickly increase the coverage of our tests. If twenty people filled out 1 test a week, then over a month that would be 80 extra unit tests.

ATM there are "FAILED (failures=232)", unimplemented tests and possibly that many again that haven't been stubbed out waiting to be written.

$ run_tests.py -i

Will show tests that need fleshing out.