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[pygame] spritecollideany bug?
I'm not sure if these are bugs or outdated docstring.
it says the method returns a sprite or None.. instead it's returning 1 or 0
(replace the 1 with s and 0 with None.. or update the doco)
there's also a mention to dokill argument which doesn't exist, if you add
the dokill arg, be sure to update the doc, as it refers to 'sprites' instead
of 'the single sprite it finds, if any'
here's a copy of the orig method src...
def spritecollideany(sprite, group):
"""pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(sprite, group) -> sprite
finds any sprites that collide
given a sprite and a group of sprites, this will
return return any single sprite that collides with
with the given sprite. If there are no collisions
this returns None.
if you don't need all the features of the
spritecollide function, this function will be a
bit quicker.
all sprites must have a "rect" method, which is a
rectangle of the sprite area. if the dokill argument
is true, the sprites that do collide will be
automatically removed from all groups."""
spritecollide = sprite.rect.colliderect
for s in group.sprites():
if spritecollide(s.rect):
return 1
return 0
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