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[pygame] pygame-1.4.9 Available (1.5 release candidate)

I've finally gotten everything together for a pygame-1.4.9 release. This
is what should be available in 1.5 in a week or two, but i'm trying to
catch all the little "last minute problems" before we do the actual 1.5

in a week or two we'll go for the full 1.5, and then i'll be sure to
send out all the appropriate announcements.

in the meantime, all you developers, please grab the new version and
test it against anything you are working on. i'm especially interested
in some of the 'newer' features as they haven't had much testing outside
my crude little lab.

it's taken a little longer than i expected to get to this point, but on
the other hand, there's more features in 1.5 than i was expecting to
have also. here's a pretty thorough changelog from what was 1.4 on Jan30

* Rect edge areas cleaned up
* no more debug print statements on blitting
* set_icon() can be before or after set_mode()
* CD.play() works for tracks above 0 again
* several fixes to pygame.init() and pygame.quit()
* fixed crashing rotate 90
* Rect and Surface types are subclassable in py2.2
* Rect unionall and unionall_ip work correctly
* all draw primitives have a default width
* Event objects have a 'truth' comparison (anything not NOEVENT)
* pygame.event.peek() with no args returns the next event
* RenderClear spritegroup can use a function for the background arg
* spritecollideany() now works as documented
* new music.get_pos() returns the number of milliseconds played
* autoconfig scripts do a much better job for unix
* new Rect collidedict() and collidedictall()
* rectstyle arguments can be any object with a "rect" attrib
* music.play() can take a starting offset for the music
* Channel.set_volume() can take 2 volumes for stereo effects
* mixer module keeps references to Sounds being played
* added gl_[sg]et_attribute for opengl control
* new surfarray.make_surface() function
* new sndarray module
* accelerated blits to subsurfaces of HWSURFACEs
* image.save() can now do TGA as well as BMP (compressed too)

i pull your attention to all the new stuff dealing with audio. you can 
now do simple and easy audio panning of stereo sound (fun effect). also, 
with the new sndarray module, you can do your own music processing. for 
testing i created cheesy "echo" and "reverse" effects for Sounds :]
also more control over music playback. i'll warn that some of these new 
audio functions will require the latest version of SDL_mixer.

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