A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail? For clarity and to support conversational discussion style, please use bottom-posting format: your reply goes below the material cited. Trim your quotes appropriately and ensure your attributions are accurate. See: http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/email-style.html http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html http://mailformat.dan.info/quoting/top-posting.html Thank you. on Fri, Jun 24, 2005 at 11:43:17AM -0600, Gordon J. Holtslander (holtslander@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: > On June 24, 2005 06:56 am, Daniel Howard wrote: > > At 07:22 AM 6/24/2005, you wrote: > > > On Thu, 23 Jun 2005, Daniel Howard wrote: > > Does Xandros/Crossover give good support for sound, microphone and > > USB/serial ports? That's one of the issues in a special needs class > > in our school. The special needs software uses microphone input for > > children with speech impediments, and there are also several > > USB/serial communication devices (touchscreens, communication > > assistance devices, etc.) that we need to support. Since Wine and > > Win4Lin often do not support such devices, I'm stuck with using > > Windows2000 refurbished PCs (XP won't run much of the older > > software) and am concerned about hooking them to the Internet for > > the same reasons below. > > > I'd be curious to know what legacy software, and if any attempt has > > > been made to run it on a Xandros with Crossover. I've had excellent > > > results using this. > > Does anyone have experience with emacspeak > http://emacspeak.sourceforge.net/ My understanding is that emacspeak requires (or last I checked, did) a special voice output device. More likely useful would be the festival package, which handles vocoding directly, and can translate arbitrary text to speach on standard HW w/ soundcard. For general audio editing, audacity rocks, though there are simpler audio records if all you need to do is capture tracks. Links: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/ http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Peace. -- Karsten M. Self <kmself@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> http://kmself.home.netcom.com/ What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? Maybe they're like the Orfolei. You know, a carbon-based intelligence that goes through a meat stage. - Terry Bisson, Meat Beings
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