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RE: [seul-edu] Equipment requirements for LinuxCanada

Doug and others who might attend LinuxCanada:

I live in Watertown, New York, just off the Eastern short of Lake Ontario,
about a four hour drive from Toronto.  I might be able to provide a PC or
two.  An alternative might be to ask local (to Toronto) LUG members to
provide needed computer equipment that might be impractical to bring long
distances.  I'm no geek with Linux, but I am willing to help if I can.

Are there lodging needs?  Or do attendees want to stay in/near the facility
where the program is being held?

Douglas Ort

~-----Original Message-----
~From: owner-seul-edu@seul.org [mailto:owner-seul-edu@seul.org]On Behalf
~Of Doug Loss
~Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 9:19 PM
~To: seul-edu@seul.org
~Subject: [seul-edu] Equipment requirements for LinuxCanada
~I sent off the signed agreement this afternoon, so we're now
~committed to doing
~two seminars at LinuxCanada.  When I say we, I mean I'm committed
~but I'd really
~enjoy the assistance of anyone who wants to help put these on and
~to staff a
~booth on the show floor.


~I don't think we should ask for a PC or Mac, since I'm fairly certain that
~whatever they would supply wouldn't be running Linux, and I have
~no doubt we'd lose
~credibility by using Windows to demo www.seul.org/edu/.  We should
~supply our own
~system, whether it's a laptop or a desktop system, to run our
~demos, web browser,
~and presentations on.


~I realize that we don't have a firm enough idea of what the
~program we'll be
~presenting is to know just what equipment we'll need, but if this
~list sparks any
~ideas of something nifty we could show, let us know.  Also, does anyone who
~plans to attend have a Linux laptop, preferrably one that we can
~install Magicpoint
~(or something similar) on?  My laptop is running Solaris (one of
~the old Tadpole
~Sparcbooks), and I won't be able to get Linux running properly
~till they folks
~working on the port get the video problems worked out.
~Doug Loss            Always acknowledge a fault.  This will throw
~dloss@suscom.net     those in authority off their guard and give
~(570) 326-3987       you the opportunity to commit more.
~                        Mark Twain