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Re: [tor-relays] case law on for exit nodes

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 01:40:13PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> >>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Letter
> Further, judges are always available, including secret FISA ones.
> Go get it signed by a judge before trying to order people
> around with what amounts to a request on pretty letterhead.
> I'd be afraid of complying with anything NOT signed by a judge,
> as that could put ME at risk. Not that any ISP's reading this would
> stop being sheep and want to spend money to actually defend
> themselves, their customers, their laws, or country.

There's a thread about it on NANOG right now.
> Then there's the DMCA.... similar, notices end up shutting people
> up without court order. Puts the cost of that from the complainant
> to the the recipient, with staffing help desk ticketing systems, etc.
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