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Re: [tor-relays] case law on for exit nodes

it all just boils down to one thing.

us senate + whitehouse are infiltrated by zionists and they are shutting down any means of communication that isn't owned or controlled by zionists one by one... this whole thing is not about "copyright" or "money" at all, its about total world domination and them thinking "god" gave them the right to do so. i'd say, just shoot them.

On Sat, 26 May 2012, Eugen Leitl wrote:

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 01:40:13PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:

Further, judges are always available, including secret FISA ones.
Go get it signed by a judge before trying to order people
around with what amounts to a request on pretty letterhead.

I'd be afraid of complying with anything NOT signed by a judge,
as that could put ME at risk. Not that any ISP's reading this would
stop being sheep and want to spend money to actually defend
themselves, their customers, their laws, or country.

There's a thread about it on NANOG right now.

Then there's the DMCA.... similar, notices end up shutting people
up without court order. Puts the cost of that from the complainant
to the the recipient, with staffing help desk ticketing systems, etc.
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