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Re: gEDA-user: 4-bit_12-LED.png (PNG Image, 1024x768 pixels)
> Since when is the offering of opinions on a mailing list the same as
> stepping up as a volunteer?
It's just a general observation, that (1) the people who want
something are the most likely ones to invest in getting it, (2) if
nobody else wants to do it, it's the *only* way to get it, and (3) if
you volunteer to do it, most likely the admins will let you :-)
Convincing someone your idea is cool is one thing, convincing them to
implement it is another.
> > Unix tools have a history of providing mechanism, not setting
> > policy.
> What is your definition of a "unix tool"? I think that has to be made
> clear first.
I think *any* tool in general, should provide options for multiple
policies (if practical) and let the user decide which they're going to
follow. Unix applies this theory to its tools more than other OSs.
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