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Re: gEDA-user: PCBs using desktop inkjet

John Griessen wrote:
> DJ Delorie wrote:
>> I've thought of doing this with the 15 mil single sided blanks - etch
>> each layer separately, then glue them together.  The problem is still
>> how to make efficient vias,
> Yep.  putting via wires is tedious and not pretty....  and mini rivets
> would be sooo large.   I think NC drilling followed by conductive
> silver-nitrate/ascorbic-acid via ink jet  would be a decent
> prototyping/low-volume-production method..
>  especially if you include inner layers.
> [jg]
> Awww...  one layer at a time...
> This stuff isn't falling off a truck easy, you know...  :-)
> John Griessen

I never tried it, but one could drill a hole, and then use a kolloid silver solution (is this the right term? It's called "Leitsilber" in german) to contact the layers. For very small holes    perhaps with a syringe.


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