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Re: gEDA-user: Automatically start wire placement when you press the hotkey?
On Thu, 11 Aug 2011 08:34:58 -0700
yamazakir2 <yamazakir2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I agree, magnetic mode is an instant disable for me everytime I
> install gschem
Agreed... I like the idea of magnetic mode, especially when drawing
nets when zoomed out pretty far--it can be hard to click exactly on the
tip of the pin to which you want to connect. However, it usually
decides to draw the net directly through other components and sometimes
even intersects the tips of other pins, causing erroneous connections!!!
What might be ideal would be the opposite of the current mode:
an opt-in rather than opt-out use of the modifier key. Suppose
magnetic net mode could be activated momentarily by
Ctrl+clicking. You could easily and without extra effort click
intermediate points to route the net line where you want it to go, then
finally tell gschem to terminate the net line on a pin by Ctrl+clicking
âapproximatelyâ on the tip of the pin to end it there.
Another thing that might make working with nets easier is it took fewer
clicks to move vertices. Similar to how it is often irritating to have
to (1) Click, (2) Pause, (3) Click+Drag a symbol to move it *,
to move a line you have to click it, then click and drag either the
line itself or one of its endpoints. Whenever I move a symbol after
drawing nets to it, it's a little irritating to have to click so many
times to alter the lines. Especially if I move a symbol perpendicular
to the net lines attached to it, then the net lines become
non-orthogonal (not parallel to X or Y axis) so I have to move TWO
vertices in general if I have an âLâ in the net, because moving the
vertex on one lines doesn't also move the other line sharing that
* I know about the 'm' key now and I do use it often, but it's still
annoying to not be able to just click and drag a component in one
smooth action, as new users expect to be able to do.
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