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Re: gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 08:42:26 +0100
Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> For converting "legacy" designs, an import from gerber might be more
> generally useful to our user base, and doesn't require decyphering
> unknown file formats. Admittedly this looses footprint information,
> but perhaps that isn't always an issue.

Also, a gerber import feature for pcb would be generally useful for
other purposes in addition to supporting Altium import.  It would of
course support import from any other PCB layout package.  It could also
be used for panelizing boards given a bunch of boards each as a set of
gerbers. (I'm thinking along the lines of Laen's DorkbotPDX PCB order.)


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