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Re: gEDA-user: New gtk menu system

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 03:47:33PM -0700, Colin D Bennett wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Aug 2011 14:22:28 -0700
> Andrew Poelstra <asp11@xxxxxx> wrote:
> > Here is some visual feedback. It brightens the swatches when
> > the mouse is over the row, a little bit. Let me know what you
> > think of it.
> I didn't try it yet, but will it work for layers with the following
> colors:
> - white layers (e.g., silk) or black layers?
> - layers with colors like red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, etc. where
>   all of R,G,B are either 0.0 or 1.0 (normalized scale)?

White layers, no. Everything else, yes.
> A more general solution, and one that won't affect the accurate
> representation of the layer color by the swatch, is to draw a 1 or 2
> pixel wide border around the swatch when the mouse hovers over that
> layer button.

I tried this at home. It seemed to draw too much attention to the
swatch, and indicate "toggle me!" rather than "prelight". IMHO, if
we do anything to indicate prelighting, it should be (at least) as
subtle as my color change.

And I am not entirely sold that we should be doing anything.

Andrew Poelstra
Email: asp11 at sfu.ca OR apoelstra at wpsoftware.net

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