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Re: gEDA-user: FUNDING (was: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB)

How about a Kickstarter project for the toporouter?  Let Anthony make
a proposal and put it on www.kickstarter.com, and then gEDA users can
pledge donations.  If it raises enough money by graduation (or
whatever other deadline), then we all fund Anthony to work on it.  If
we don't raise enough, then nobody gets charged, the toporouter
languishes, and Anthony has to get a real job like (some of) the rest
of us.

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Stephen Ecob
<silicon.on.inspiration@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 9:45 AM, myken <myken@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>> fund a full time developer.  But it's nothing more than a pipe dream
>>> unless there are others out there who think the same.
>>> Does anyone else think the same ?
>> I think the same, but I am also in the same position (start-up, tight
>> cashflow). I use gEDA professionally (as a freelancer) but only for a
>> few (1 or 2) small projects a year. If my situation changes (more money,
>> more projects) I have no objection to a donation to the gEDA project.
>> I'm trying to contribute to the project but it's a steep learning curve.
>> I also agree with Levente, as the cheap Dutchman that I am, I like to
>> see where my money will be spend.
>> Just my €0,02
>> Robert.
> Thanks Robert, it's good to know I'm not the only one !
> Stephen
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