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Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

On Dec 11, 2010, at 9:05 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:

> I'm always keen to hear of success stories with gEDA / PCB
> being used commercially,

OK, I don't mind bragging ;-)

The CCD driver board for the ASTRO-H mission (http://astro-h.isas.jaxa.jp/index.html.en) is headed to layout and fab of the "engineering model". The layout contractor is using PADS, which gEDA can of course export the design to, but I didn't find out what they planned to use until very late. gEDA made accommodating this late decision trivially easy. This kind of flexibility is a huge advantage for gEDA. The design is online at https://github.com/noqsi/SXI.

And we just won a NASA SBIR competition. See http://sbir.gsfc.nasa.gov/SBIR/abstracts/10/sbir/phase1/SBIR-10-1-S3.06-9833.html?solicitationId=SBIR_10_P1

Here, we used gEDA for the design of breadboard electronics, and we plan to use gEDA and PCB for the prototype electronics. We'll put this up on github too.

So, a big thank-you to the developers, and to the contributors to gedasymbols. You'll see a donation when the NASA money comes in.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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