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Re: gEDA-user: Thermal via in pad

>>>>> "DJ" == DJ Delorie <dj@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>> What Darrell said with emphasis on matrix of vias.  I wouldn't use
>> just a single via on that part.

> The other question, though, is should PCB *allow* you to put thermals
> in pads?  At the moment, it's not physically possible.

If that's impossible, what would be a good workaround?  The chip in
question is the Freescale MC13201 RF transceiver.  It doesn't have other
ground pins apart from the large ground pad.  

Pins are quite dense, so it will be difficult to route a ground-trace
in-between two outer pins.  There is only one other (digital) pin
connected to ground, I could attach that to the paddle, however.

Replacing the ground-pad by a polygon wouldn't work either, since
polygons cannot be free of solder-resist?  Or do I miss something?  If I
undestand Darrel correctly than attaching the via without thermal is
still an option...

Thank you all for your comments so far.  This is my first PCB layout
ever, I would probably be totally lost without the geda mailing list :)

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