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Re: gEDA-user: Schematic Capture to dxf File - using gEDA, Inkscape, and pstoedit
On Jan 21, 2010, at 1:08 PM, dfro@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> An alternate place in the software tool chain to put a 'DXF' button could be in gEDA's gerber viewer program - gerbv. Under gerbv's 'File' menu, there is an 'Export' command, which gives you the choices to save the file as a PNG, PDF, SVG, or a PostScript file. A 'DXF' choice could be added to the list.
Yes, requires constructing polygons from aperture strokes. That's where the rubber meets the road.
> If you convert the backmask or the frontmask files either with the 'gEDA/pcb to dxf' route or the 'Gerber to dxf', you can very quickly have your solder paste mask.
Almost. There *is* a paste layer, although it isn't very flexible (I have plans for that, too). The paste layer and the mask layer are not the same. The paste layer reflects only surface pads, not through-hole pads.
> If you are laser cutting it, I imagine that you might have to do some standard offsetting of the .dxf file outlines in the CAM program to get the dimensions perfect.
Yes, currently I use the ps shrinkage to adjust sizes, which isn't perfect. I want to add a paste layer keyword to footprints so that I can control the aperture directly.
> Ben and Dave,
> If you are interested in writing some code to add a dxf conversion button to pcb and gerbv, maybe trying these two methods on a few of your own pcb images will give you some ideas. I think creating a backend program that both pcb and gerbv can use would be a good idea. If the starting point is a .ps file, then both programs could use the same backend.
The postscript file is a kludgy intermediate step that needs to be eradicated in the 'clean' solution.
-dave n6nz
geda-user mailing list
- References:
- gEDA-user: Schematic Capture to dxf File - using gEDA, Inkscape, and pstoedit
- Re: gEDA-user: Schematic Capture to dxf File - using gEDA, Inkscape, and pstoedit
- Re: gEDA-user: Schematic Capture to dxf File - using gEDA, Inkscape, and pstoedit
- Re: gEDA-user: Schematic Capture to dxf File - using gEDA, Inkscape, and pstoedit
- Re: gEDA-user: Schematic Capture to dxf File - using gEDA, Inkscape, and pstoedit
- Re: gEDA-user: Schematic Capture to dxf File - using gEDA, Inkscape, and pstoedit
- Re: gEDA-user: Schematic Capture to dxf File - using gEDA, Inkscape, and pstoedit