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Re: gEDA-user: Schematic Capture to dxf File - using gEDA, Inkscape, and pstoedit

Dave N6NZ wrote:
On Jan 21, 2010, at 1:08 PM, dfro@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
If you convert the backmask or the frontmask files either with the 'gEDA/pcb to dxf' route or the 'Gerber to dxf', you can very quickly have your solder paste mask.
Almost.  There *is* a paste layer, although it isn't very flexible (I have plans for that, too).  The paste layer and the mask layer are not the same.  The paste layer reflects only surface pads, not through-hole pads.

Thanks, Dave. I never noticed the paste layer produced by the gerber or the postscript export. That is a great feature of 'pcb'.

You can easily do the 'gEDA, Inkscape, pstoedit' process on the paste layer .gbr or .ps file, and you will have your .dxf of it for laser cutting.

Dave N6NZ wrote:

I just placed an order for a MakerBot CupCake http://www.makerbot.com/ -- mainly just as a toy to share with my 10 year old daughter, who  is both nerdy and arty (her self-chosen free-time activities this past Sunday were: a) drawing with her oil pastels, b) doing pcb layout on a game she is building for herself with my help, c) building cholesterol with her organic chemistry model kit)   The CupCake should be an interesting toy.

The MakerBot looks really cool. MakerBot, pastel oil painting, building cholesterol molecules, making pcb's - at age 10! I am impressed by your daughter's interests and talents! She is lucky to have you encouraging her.

I bet she would be fascinated by what Bathsheba Grossman is doing - the 3d printed sculpture, but also the 3d laser etchings in glass of molecules and galaxies.


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