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Re: gEDA-user: More robust support of multi-part symbols.

Ben Jackson wrote:
  I'd love to know how
> the big boys handle it.  Obviously you can't draw wires in gschem and
> then swap pins in pcb and expect the wires to be asthetically re-drawn
> in gschem.  So do you only do it with busrippers and netname attributes?

Not having back annotation IS soooo 80's.  Slots could disappear and I wouldn't miss them.

I think the best of ECAD still handles back annotation as a to-do list of edits
the schematic drawer does.  Just that would be plenty valuable without any schematics-drawn-on-auto.

Symbols drawn on auto -- now that would be handy for chip design and hierarchic pcb design.
I think we are fairly close to auto-drawn-symbols.  If we made a program to generate a symbol from
the gnetlist-verilog netlist, the port lists could be put so inouts are at bottom ins at left and outs at right
and also put out a shorthand symbol description file in djboxsym format, one could rework the symbol quickly.

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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