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Re: gEDA-user: Thindraw and the HID interface... [WAS: Re: pcb segmentation fault]

On Mar 6, 2009, at 12:12 PM, John Griessen wrote:

> Peter C.J. Clifton wrote:
>>> i like  the active net concept,  point at a net and the rest of the
>>> board goes transparent.
>>> it allows you to see the nets more easily
>> Active layer? (I think if you made all but the active net  
>> translucent, it
>> would make it harder to figure out where the avaialble routing  
>> resources
>> lie).
> A reduction in opacity is easy to see even if just 20% and still see  
> surround.
> Could be very effective for "seeing" -- a real insight generator...
it is a feature in my 50k a seat software i love when looking at other  
designers boards.

it highlights the path of a net, so that i can get an idea of where it  
is going.

some times i only have pads showing, other times it's about the  

they call it shadow mode and they darken the other traces by an amount  
I configure, of course different for each purpose, and they have a  
flag to make it not apply to the active layer.

net translucency  with three options
current net translucency, active layer translucency, and other layer  

maybe a color transform?

where current net affects that net on what ever layer it is on, the  
active layer that sets the other objects on the active layer that are  
not part of your net, and other layer for the other layers objects   
that are not on the same net.

essentially its a nicer way of implementing F key

> John Griessen
> -- 
> Ecosensory   Austin TX
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