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Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

> My very personal view:
> People not interested in Linux are not interested in free software at
> all.  They may be interested to save some bucks, but they may use
> illegal copies with more fun than really free, open source software.

Not to disagree that your personal experience is what it is, but I'm an
existence proof that it is hardly universal - maybe you see what you
see because you hang out with Linuxheads?

I don't run software - including operating systems - that I don't have
source to.  (The closest thing to an exception is my gf's iMac, which
runs Tiger.  I don't count that as one of my own machines; if it were
it would be running something else.)

But I have no use for Linux.  None of my own machines run it.  I have
some experience with it - three of the machines I work with regularly
at work use it - and all that experience confirms my distaste for it.
I can't think of any respect in which I like Linux more than I like the
other open-source Unices I've tried.

Quite poassibly because I don't hang out much with Linux geeks, I see
almost none of the "!Linux -> !open-source" implication you do in the
people I know.

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