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Re: gEDA-user: OT: Bike Alarms

Jared Casper wrote:
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 8:25 AM, kai-martin knaak <kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Getting a GPS location when at an unknown position consumes a fair amount of
computational power (to find the satellites). So this is a modified proposal
for less energy consumption: Just check for an incoming SMS once a day. Only
if the owner considers the bike as stolen, GPS may spring into action.

How cheap a service contract can you get for the sim card?  Unless you

Well, this is not my business (bike protection), but in Hungary I've a few prepaid account at v***fone, it is only 3000 HUF (~15USD)/year and 50MB/month + some free SMS included with no extra cost.

Of course I don't now about other countries.

Anyway I'm happy to start a topic which seems really popular:-)))


can get a per-SMS plan or something, after a year or two you may be
approaching a non-trivial percentage of the cost of replacement.
While the tech solution is definitely cooler, covering the bike under
a renter's or home owner's insurance policy may be cheaper and easier.


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