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Re: gEDA-user: VHDL Compiler

Bill Cox wrote:

I also know of simple things that require context to parse, even component declarations. In VHDL, basically you're forced into building a tree-based parse tree, so you can figure out what's going on from the context. Verilog, in contrast (at least the structural part), can be directly parsed into a language database, skipping the generic parse-tree step. This dramatically simplifies the code, and speeds up parsing. VHDL will never parse as fast as Verilog.

Of all the programmers I know who wrote both Verilog and VHDL parsers, all prefer to parse Verilog. I'm not making this up. Go ask respected guys in the field, like Ken McLevain at Synplicity.
I certainly agree with you that it's a (very) difficult job to write a VHDL compiler; it was pretty brave to take on VHDL with Lex and Yacc. It's possible but, as you point out, you need context sensitivity. Most people seem to hand-code a lexer, or go with an LL or GLR generator (SAVANT, for example, uses ANTLR/PCCTS, which is LL-based; anyone who wants to write 'free' VHDL tools could do a lot worse than using SAVANT as a starting point).

BTW, I'm still interested in C-like HDLs. If you have a good start on one, I'd be interested in checking it out.
I'm afraid mine's commercial. The two open source ones I know about are SpecC <http://www.ics.uci.edu/~specc/>, which I haven't used, and SystemC. I've occasionally thought that it would be worthwhile to write a preprocessor for SystemC to make it more usable as an HDL. SystemPerl (<http://www.veripool.com/systemperl.html>) does some preprocessing, but what's really needed is something that turns simple VHDL- or Verilog-like module instantiations, concurrent signal assignments, and so on, into the fairly complex C++ that SystemC needs. Now, that would be worth paying real money for..
