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gEDA-user: Wishes, bugs and misunderstandings
Some time ago I promised to turn my notes during my first geda
projects into bug reports and feature requests and send them to this
mailing list. Some of the issues may be resolved, some may be
misunderstandings by a newbie and some may be known but need too much
work. I hope you don't smack me if I bring them up again.
Here is the deal: The list of notes has grown to quite some size. I will
present five notes at a time just to disperse them a bit. If you think a
particular topic is worth the effort, I'll integrate it into the ToTo list
in the wiki. So please give your opinion if the particular issue is valid
or just a newbies misunderstanding.
1) gsch2pcb should look at $HOME/.pcb/preferenes for layer names and
layer groups of the pcb file it produces.
2) Feature request: gschem and pcb both don't seem to present a list of
recently loaded files in the file menu. This would come handy for work
on more than one project at a time.
3) Similar functions in gschem and pcb should be called by the same key
accelerators. I still find myself pressing [n] in pcb if I want to
draw a track, or do an [u] in gschem for a quick undo. I know, there are
different philosophies for the keys. Why not have the best of both worlds
and add the respective accelerators to the already installed set?
3a) I miss the sort of standard accelerators [ctrl-c], [ctrl-v], [ctrl-z],
[ctrl-shift-z], [ctrl-s], [ctrl-f] and [ctrl-a]
3b) Please add a key accelerator for the grid size dialog.
3c) German keyboards have the z and the y key exchanged. Thus the two
letter accelerators that involve these keys tend to be not quite as
convenient as on an american keyboard.
3d) Feature request: Please use the built-in key customization of GTK2.
With pcb this already works while the application runs, but gets reset on
4) Feature request gschem: Please show the current grid size in the status
5) gschem: Put the name of the current page should in the window title bar
rather than in the status bar. The status bar space may contain more
volatile information.
Any comments?
Kai-Martin Knaak
geda-user mailing list