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Re: gEDA-user: Slotting and visible power connections

>> As long as each symbol for a physical chip has the same refdes, the
>> netlister knows how to combine their pin numbers together.
> Just tried it: Auto-number overwrites all this stuff. Every
> instantiation gets a new refdes :-(

Try using the utility "refdes_renum" on your schematic.   This will number
all the refdeses at once.  (You need to close gschem first, and run
this utility from the command line.)  If you already have some
refdeses numbered on your schematic, then the default behavior of
refdes_renum is to leave the numbered refdeses alone, and only number
the unnumbered ones.  If you have numbered refdeses, then refdes_renum
will start numbering using the next-highest unused number.

Another thing you can do with refdes_renum is to skip numbering on
different schematic pages (.sch files).  That way, page 1 can start
numbering at 1, page 2 at 100, page 3 at 200, etc.

Here's the help string for refdes-renum:

/home/sdb> refdes_renum --help

         refdes_renum [--nocopy] [--pgskip [number] ] file1 [file2 [file3 ... ] ]
         refdes_renum --help
         refdes_renum --version

refdes_renum reads a gschem schematic file or files and renumbers all reference
designators.  The reference designators are numbered starting with 1 and the
old schematic file is replaced by the modified schematic file.

refdes_renum accepts the following options:

     --help      Displays this help message.

     --nocopy    If given, this flag leaves the modified files in new files
                 whose names are generated by appending a ".renum" to the
                 original file names.  The default is to overwrite the original.

     --pgskip    When this flag is used, components on the first schematic sheet
                 are numbered starting with 101.  On the second sheet, they start
                 with 201, etc  Specifying a value gives the step between pages.
                 For example --pgskip 10 will start with 11, 21, 31, etc.

     --gentle    This flag tells refdes_renum to leave any refdeses
                 alone if they already have numbers.  Use this option to number
                 new components in a schematic which has already been numbered.
                 Note that --gentle is set by default!

     --force     Set this flag to renumber all refdeses, whether they are already
                 numbered or not.

     --verbose   Enables verbose output.

     --version   Shows the version of this program.

Return codes:

         refdes_renum returns the following codes to the shell upon completion:

           0   Program ran successfully.
           1   Error opening or reading input file.
           2   Error opening or writing output file.
           3   Too many components for --pgskip setting.
           4   Internal error (program bug encountered).

Usage examples:

         refdes_renum mysch.sch
         refdes_renum --pgskip pg1.sch pg2.sch pg3.sch

refdes_renum was written by Dan McMahill <dmcmahill@xxxxxxxxxx>



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