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Re: gEDA-user: pcb, how to remove mm garbage (very short lines)?

Am Mittwoch, den 19.11.2008, 21:00 +0000 schrieb Peter Clifton:

Thank you for your proposed solutions.

> One final thought.. could we round the width / height of the line to
> internal coordinate units, and (say), the start-point, rather than both
> end-points? That way, the line-drawing code could properly constrain the
> drawn line to be diagonal.

This may be similar to my own thoughts...

My idea is that we need not a very high internal resolution in pcb.

Important may be the correct mapping of user input to internal pcb

You have a finished pcb board, which an engineer has made with mm units
in mind. You want to rebuild it, so you measure all dimensions of traces
and elements with a tool with mil units.

You end with a couple of mil coodinates -- derivation should be at least
one unit of your measurement tool, i.e. 0.01 mil for our pcb program.
Should be OK.

I have to think about this more...

Best regards

Stefan Saleswki

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