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Re: gEDA-user: current working file name in gschemrc

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 03:42:31AM +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:
> John Doty wrote:
> > S2PS=gschem -p -o $@ -s print.scm $<
> Thanks! 
> I completely missed the existence of that simple scheme script. I 
> wasn't even aware of the possibility to do this kind of scripting.
> You can call me stupid, now...
> There is a similar image.scm one for PNG output, too :-) 
> ---<)kaimartin(>---

That way you solve only one part of the problem.  It would be nice to
have the same way to make EPS too. What if you need to make LaTeX files
with images which should have the same scale?  I know no way to do this
without GUI. And if I have to change only one library symbol in a
document with thirty figures which all have this symbol included, and
have to reprint them all to EPS format, it is a disaster.


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