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Re: gEDA-user: database driven component chooser - part II

Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sorry, I've not been following in great detail how the database works.
> Here are two thoughts though - neither, either or both might be useful.
> 1. Peter B wrote a lot of code to allow arbitrary guile functions, or
> external programs to be used as parts library sources - so if you can
> run an SQL query and uniquely indentify all components available - this
> can be fed straight into a source for the components library.

It would be nice if someone (Peter B ?) told me about the this API. But the
problem is that I'd need a mechanism to attach attributes *after* the symbol

> 2. If the database requires user-input when selecting an arbitrary
> component (to avoid near infinite possibilities of resistor with
> different value, footprint etc..) then there is not currently any
> interface which would supports this straight away.

We can make it that way, that the component chooser what I have now, would
remain a separate application. Then, inside gschem, another SQL client should
be implemented, with just one searching option, that is the ID field. So the
query would be always unique, so other fields could be parsed inside gschem.

> Its "probably" best done as an external gui program which we can
> communicate with via D-Bus / stdio or some means. This would allow it to
> suit your database without hard-coding input assumptions in gschem.
> Alternatively - someone could propose a means for arbitrary guile /
> external programs to specify a simple UI to gather required parameters.
> (Like PCB does with its exporters).
> Regards,
> Peter C.

Just my EUR 0.02


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