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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA 1.6: --enable-doxygen seems to have no effect

Hi Gareth,

On Fri, 2009-10-30 at 21:52 +0000, Gareth Edwards wrote:
> 2009/10/10 Stefan Salewski <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> >
> > Current behaviour may be fine, but the comment after -enable-doxygen
> > option "generate Doxygen API documentation" is misleading. "generate"
> > indicates that something is produced by this option. "maybe something
> > like "ensure that Doxygen is available" or "prepare Doxygen API
> > documentation generation" is better.
> >
> I've just uploaded a patch to
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2889726&group_id=161080&atid=818428
> that addresses this issue and also cleans up some of the doxygen build
> inconsitencies that are currently extant in git HEAD.
> After putting this together I realised this overlaps with one of
> Bert's patches from earlier this year but I thought it worthwhile
> pushing to the tracker anyway.
> Cheers
> Gareth

Thanks for the patches, they're another step forward.

I kind of stalled after the patches which were applied in July due to
the lack of enough spare time and "make fu" to implement these rules.

There are some other patches bit rotting in the patch tracker, please
ignore them, I will see if I can find time to remove them.

I can't test the patches myself for reasons of an ancient OS and the gtk
version being outdated.

Reading the patches 0003 and 0004, one question comes to mind: I'm not
aware that there is a doxygen dir (or file) generated that has to be
removed by the distclean-local rule ?

Thanks again.

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

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