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Re: gEDA-user: gschem guile scripting
On Oct 31, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Maciej Pijanka wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Oct 2010, John Doty wrote:
>> On Oct 31, 2010, at 5:07 AM, Maciej Pijanka wrote:
>>> I already tried this before posting, it don't work even for gnetlist producing
>>> following output:
>>> Backtrace:
>>> In current input:
>>> 1: 0* (ptest "output.net")
>>> <unnamed port>:1:1: In expression (ptest "output.net"):
>>> <unnamed port>:1:1: Unbound variable: ptest
>> It means you haven't defined ptest.
> Yes, but this is what i get when i created gnet-devel with gnet-ptest name, so i think i missed
> something important, maybe it need also define procedure which name is derived from invoked backend
> name that is called by gnetlist after processing schematics.
>>> for gschem there is even no such output, i have guile-1.8.5 if that changes anything.
>>> I read John P. Doty gnetlist tutorial but unfortunatelly packages variable seems to be
>>> gnetlist specific, and it is not present in gschem.
>> You seem to be trying to do a gnetlist task from within gschem. Don't do that. Use the right tool for the job.
> Why, i wanted to create some scheme script to be invoked from gschem to show/hide pinnumbers on currently opened
> schematics, why i would use gnetlist for that?
For the same reason that you wouldn't want to use pliers as a hammer. gschem has very little knowledge of what the graphics *mean*. This is a very good thing, a key feature of gEDA's design, one that distinguishes it from all the fritterware out there.
John Doty Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
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