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Re: gEDA-user: Ben mode feature request

Bert Timmerman wrote:

> Avoiding the command line won't help you on the gschem --> simulation 
> work flow.

It ain't necessarily so. (cite from a song I'll sing on Wednesday :)
The current simulation work flow of geda sucks big time. Absence of
a GUI way is only a minor itch when compared with the real issues.
Anyway, it is difficult to convince users on the power of your 
framework, if they refuse to use it from first impressions.

> Loosing potential users due to a command like thing is probably
> something a lot of *nix apps and tools suffer from.

There are not that many CAD applications that rely on the 
command line. Unix tools tend to deal with tasks that don't
need a GUI in the first place. The same cannot be said of 
schematic capture and pcb layout. Both lend themselves naturally 
to graphical user interfaces. In a way, geda+pcb+command line
is like a GUI text editor that relies on shell commands to do

> I can't help people who will not try to learn what is neccesary,
> or do whatever it takes, to solve their *own* problems.

Since there are commandline-less alternatives, they do what
it takes to solve *their* problems. However, none of them will 
contribute to geda/pcb in any way.

> Sad, but true.

A project with a dwindling user base will slowly freeze to death.
Sad, but also true.

Kai-Martin Knaak
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