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Re: gEDA-user: VeriWell now on SourceForge


Am 27.09.2005 08:17:10 schrieb(en) Samuel A. Falvo II:
> It has always baffled me how Verilog
> simulators seem to be literally everywhere, but if OpenCores is any
> indication, ALL the truely interesting designs are VHDL.

If done the job to count all ready-to-use designs on OpenCores.org

ready-to-use			VHDL	Verilog
Arithmetic cores		3	-
Prototyping boards		2	-
Communication controller	8	8
Coprocessors			-	1
Crypto cores			2	5
ECC cores			1	1
Library				2	-
Microprozessors			9	1
Others				4	6
SoC				4	3
System controller		-	3
Video controller		-	1
				35	29	in summa: 65
				54,7%	45,3%

all designs			VHDL	Verilog
Arithmetic cores		3	-
Prototyping boards		3	2
Communication controller	15	12
Coprocessors			-	1
Crypto cores			4	6
ECC cores			2	3
Library				2	-
Microprozessors			14	9
Others				9	8
SoC				6	3
System controller		1	3
Video controller		-	2
				59	49	in summa: 108
				54,7%	45,3%

Well, in both tables the same picture we see. There are some more designs (54,7%) in VHDL than in Verilog (45,3%) -the same values (in %) for booth tables aren't a mistake- !

We have to deal with *both* languages like everywhere in our practice. Both languages have pros and cons, but we *can't* say "ALL the truely interesting designs are VHDL". That's a completly subjective point-of-view. What the guy says who needs crypto or ECC cores? 

Welcome to variety :-)