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Re: gEDA-user: Color silk layers in pcb

No, FreePCB is a separate project with no links in any way. I have used it for a couple of projects and like it pretty well, but it is hard to get changes made. The developer was on a hiatus for some time, but is back now. He has a long list of bug fixes and suggestions people would like to see implemented. He also has some philosophical difference with me. I would consider creating my own branch of the project, but I don't own the tools to build it with and no one has done that yet, so I don't know how well it would be received. I don't want to muddy the waters with different versions, even if they are just small UI changes, unless we can find a way to make it part of the main branch with perhaps build options or something.

In the meantime I am working on the wiki as my small contribution. Too bad it is down... :^( I may also help with some peripheral tools such as a BOM/xyrs file manager. The one someone else contributed does not fully utilize the info potentially available from the schematic.

I know pretty much nothing about PCB so I can't even give you a basic comparison of the two. I am here to try to learn what this is about and where it is going. Maybe I'll want to get on board at some point.


At 05:40 PM 9/3/2010, you wrote:
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 6:49 PM, Rick Collins <gnuarm.2006@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I can't answer your question, but I have one of my own.  I use FreePCB and
> have requested, along with others, that we be able to designate layers as
> "documentation" such as assembly info, mechanical details, etc.  Is that
> what you are looking for or do you want these layers to be usable to produce
> the silk screen Gerber files?  I suppose once the layers are created, it
> would not be any extra effort to allow them to be used in the Gerber file.
>  Does PCB have the ability to combine multiple layers into a single Gerber
> file?

That would do the trick.
I just want to have more than two silk layers and be able to tell them
apart by color.
That would make it just so much easier to design a pcb that would fit
into a case,
and know where to cut holes in it at the same time.

By the way, is FreePCB related to gEDA pcb in any way?

Kind regards,
Pawel Kusmierski

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