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gEDA-user: accel keys (was: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA)

DJ Delorie wrote:

> But gschem and pcb have completely different toolsets and common
> tasks.  It would be difficult to make them "the same" outside of the
> usual common key mappings (cut, paste, undo).

There are a few more that could potentially be matched:

  gschem                            pcb

* start drawing a net [n]           start drawing a track [F2]

* edit some text [ex]               edit some text [n]

* rotate by 90Â [er]                rotate by 90Â [F9] + mouse click

* find specific text [t shift-f]    select by name (no accel, yet)

* cut selected objects [del]        cut selected objects [backspace]

* draw a rectangle [b]              draw a rectangle [F5] + mouse click

* draw a circle [ai]                draw a circle (no GUI tool)

* edit attributes [ee]              edit attributes (no accel, yet)

* toggle rubberband [or]            toggle rubberband (no accel, yet)

* increase grid spacing []]         increase grid spacing [ctrl-g]

* decrease grid spacing [[]         decrease grid spacing [ctrl-shift-g]

* incr. line thickness (no accel)   incr. line thickness [s]

* decr. line thickness (no accel)   incr. line thickness [shift-s]

* toggle magnetic mode (no accel)   crosshair snaps to pins and pads (no accel)

* save [fs]                         save layout [ctrl-s]

* save as [fa]                      save layout as [shift-ctrl-s]

* open [fo]                         load layout (no accel)

* new [fn]                          new layout [ctrl-n]

* quit [alt-q]                      quit [ctrl-q]

With a few exceptions I'd prefer the PCB accels. The most notable exception
is [ctrl-n]. This is dangerously close to [n] and has fooled me more than 
once. A special case is "edit text". In both applications, this really 
should be in place on the canvas triggered by double click. I hardly know 
any other application these days, that pops up a dialog.

Did anyone ever try to build accel tables optimized for compatibility 
between gschem and PCB?

Kai-Martin Knaak
Email: kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
increasingly unhappy with moderation of geda-user

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