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Re: [pygame] Mysterious Included Files

On Feb 14, 2005, at 23:00, Kris Schnee wrote:

Bob Ippolito wrote:
No, py2exe does not do that. It starts from your main script, and analyzes Python bytecode and looks for import statements (via modulefinder), then it tries to find the modules in a similar way to how Python finds them, and it says they should be included. If you don't want something included, don't import it! You are somehow actually using this code from your other projects, because there is no other way it would find it!

When I run py2exe for this program, none of my own files appear in the list of things it's compiling, yet they show up in the library.zip. And this is when I compile one of the OpenGL NEHE tutorial scripts, which I'm sure doesn't use (for instance) "virtual.py," a piece of code I never released and never included in the tutorial.

Maybe it has something to do with "setup.py"?

# setup.py
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
#setup(name = "charm", py_modules = ["ljcharm"], scripts = ["charm"])

The "charm" line is from LJCharm, a program I tried to compile earlier; the line is commented out in the original too.

Weird. I guess at worst I could unzip the library and make a new one without the extra files.

The only code in setup.py that should influence the operation of py2exe are modifications to sys.argv, sys.path, and anything that ends up in the setup(...) function. Even if you imported the charm script from an uncommented line in setup.py, it wouldn't matter because setup.py is not one of the scripts scanned.. unless, of course, the target script is importing something named setup. Commented lines should never effect py2exe's operation in any way whatsoever, it doesn't look at the source code, and # comments don't even end up in bytecode!

>>> import dis
>>> dis.disco(compile('#import foo', '<test>', 'exec'))
  0           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              3 RETURN_VALUE
>>> dis.disco(compile('import foo', '<test>', 'exec'))
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              3 IMPORT_NAME              0 (foo)
              6 STORE_NAME               0 (foo)
              9 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             12 RETURN_VALUE

It may be the case that something in PyOpenGL or the target script is importing something named virtual, and modulefinder ended up finding your module rather than the one it was supposed to find (or not find). I think this scenario is rather unlikely, though.

A more likely scenario is that in the same directory, you created a py2exe based setup.py for a script that *did* somehow use virtual, built it, and then you modified the setup.py script to package a script that *did not* use virtual. If run again, without cleaning the build/dist directories, py2exe will potentially include everything it found on the first run in addition to what was found in the second run. IIRC, it is not terribly intelligent about housecleaning (py2app is only marginally smarter about this).

Whenever you make non-trivial modifications to any distutils setup.py or its targets you should *always* clean your build and dist dirs (dist may not be relevant for using distutils without packaging extensions).
