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Re: [pygame] Anti-aliasing problem

Pete Shinners <shredwheat@mediaone.net>:
> Magnus Lie Hetland wrote:
> > Attached to this mail, warts and all <wink>
> i've looked over the code, and don't directly see anything that would 
> cause you problems with alpha. i was specifically looking for a 
> "convert()" call on the rendered text image, but that would be giving 
> you a solid box outline around the text, instead of just destroying the aa.
> hmm, and i know you're not blitting to an 8bit display, since SDL 
> doesn't support blitting alpha surfaces to 8bit surfaces.
Strange... And the odd thing is that it *does* work to begin with...
it only stops working after a while. And I do blit an image onto the
screen in the beginning too... (Except that doesn't use transparency.)

The effect is really unfortunate, since the text looks extremely ugly

> sorry magnus, i can't figure out the difference. it might help if i 
> could see the effect, but i can't see anything in the code that wouldn't 
> work as i'd expect here.

You mean a screenshot could help? (I could put the entire code
base/data dir in a tarball somewhere, if you'd like to try it out and
see if it's just my installation that's acting up or something...)

> also, a shredwheat helpful tip of the day...
>      textpos.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx
>      textpos.centery = screen.get_rect().centery
> can become
>      textpos.center = screen.get_rect().center
Err... Yes, of course. Thanks. I've just been playing around with
various versions. (It's a bit like my PostScript code; messing around
with coordinate calculations until it's completely unreadable :)

(BTW, in case you're interested: I'm planning on using PyGame for
developing a small game in one of the chapters in my upcoming book
"Instant Python" :)

Magnus Lie Hetland                                  The Anygui Project
http://hetland.org                                  http://anygui.org
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