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Re: [pygame] Patch - Re-add music support for file-like objects
nice testing :)
I think this will have to be ifdef'd out for 1.8.1, unless someone can
fix it in the next couple of days.
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 4:26 AM, Brian Fisher <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I got some time to play with this more, testing both on my Vista machine and
> OS X 10.5.
> with SDL_Mixer 1.2.8, ogg and mp3 and mid and mod all seem to be able to
> load from a file or file-like object on my windows machine, so I think
> Forrest is right about the level of support in SDL_Mixer 1.2.8
> ...but there were a few of issues...
> 1. if I try to call mixer.music.load again after having tried to play a song
> from a file or file-like object, it hangs on the loading
> 2. the pygame examples/data/house_lo.mp3 plays silence when I try to play it
> from a filename, but loading from a file or file-like object I get an
> exception of unrecognized file type (which must be the ID3 tag thing Forrest
> called out earlier?)
> 3. the mid file claims to load but plays nothing, regardless of how I load
> it
> 2 and 3 may be issues with the file, and are not likely to be problem's with
> loading from rw_objects at all, but issue 1 (hanging on trying to load a
> different piece of music after loading from a file-like object) seems like a
> serious problem that is the responsibility of the loading from rwobject code
> to fix.
> I have no idea what the cause of it is - from the prints for a file-like
> object loader, it seems to do the exact same sequence of seek, tell and read
> as when it doesn't hang, except that the load call simply doesn't return. I
> had to rebuild pygame with the mixer version check changed of course, but It
> happens for both my Leopard and Vista machines, so I don't think it's
> anything about my builds in particular.
> here's the code I was running (with Forrest's sound files and the files from
> pygame)
> -------------------------
> import pygame
> import time
> pygame.init()
> pygame.display.set_mode((320,200))
> pygame.event.pump()
> files = ["sound.ogg", "sound.mp3", "sound.mod", "sound.mid", "house_lo.ogg",
> "house_lo.mp3"]
> class file_like_wrapper():
> def __init__(self, fname):
> self.my_fname = fname
> self.my_file = file(fname, "rb")
> def read(self, size=None):
> print self.my_fname,"read", size
> if size != None:
> return self.my_file.read(size)
> else:
> return self.my_file.read()
> def seek(self, offset, whence):
> print self.my_fname,"seek",offset, whence
> return self.my_file.seek(offset, whence)
> def tell(self):
> tell_pos = self.my_file.tell()
> print self.my_fname,"tell", tell_pos
> return tell_pos
> def close(self):
> print self.my_fname,"close"
> return self.my_file.close()
> for filename in files:
> print "loading",filename,"..."
> print "from filename",
> sound = pygame.mixer.music.load(filename)
> print "loaded!"
> pygame.mixer.music.play()
> print "playing!"
> time.sleep(3)
> pygame.event.pump()
> pygame.mixer.music.stop()
> print "loading from file-like object",
> sound = pygame.mixer.music.load(file_like_wrapper(filename))
> print "loaded!"
> pygame.mixer.music.play()
> print "playing!"
> time.sleep(3)
> pygame.event.pump()
> print "done playing!"
> pygame.mixer.music.stop()
> print "loading from file object",
> sound = pygame.mixer.music.load(file(filename, "rb"))
> print "loaded!"
> pygame.mixer.music.play()
> print "playing!"
> time.sleep(3)
> pygame.event.pump()
> print "done playing!"
> pygame.mixer.music.stop()