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Re: [pygame] movie flip/update

Ok I guess it might be my WM or version of mplayer but I get the general
idea now. Thanks for the input.. helped me out a bunch


> mike@zcentric.com wrote:
>> Here is my little test app. If I move the window around I lose video.
>> If I uncomment the flip() I lose video. I have not clue if I could
>> even rendor mplayer which is opened in a popen to a surface. You guys
>> can just tell me this is a pipe dream in pygame and I'll move on.
> i tried it out. with your version i could move the window around fine
> and the video didn't get lost. i was also able to add some graphics to
> the bottom edge of the display. here's the version i did, not much in
> the line of changes.
> this seems like it would work for me, but i'm sure all mplayer setups
> are a little different.