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Re: simple networking was Re: [pygame] about sjbrown's tutorial

Another option that I'm pondering is using CherryPy, slightly modified to be a content server (as opposed to a web-page server).  In that case, it would be serving up pickle files instead of HTML pages, and it can also dynamically generate pickles.

I've always wanted to say "dynamically generate pickles." :D

On 9/4/05, Rene Dudfield <renesd@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:
A really simple way is to use xmlrpc.  There is server and client code
in the standard python library.

Good luck!

On 9/5/05, Harpo Maxx <harpo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> El Sat, Sep 03, 2005 at 11:55:54AM -0400, S Brown dijo:
> > Hi Harpo.
> >
> > Sorry for abandoning that tutorial.  Unfortunately I started a new job
> > midway through it.  And I have neither kept it up to date or finished
> > it.
> No problem! It's a great piece of work. It helps me a lot even being a
> imcomplete work.
> > If you want to see a game that used that architecture, You can look at
> > Savage Jar Beasts:
> > http://sjbrown.ezide.com/sjbeasts/
> > Which is also currently on hold.
> That's great! I'll look it. Thanks a lot!
> I have a question for you or anybody else in this list.
> I know twisted is a great network framework but a found too complex and
> too big for me. Is Twisted the best way to call remote objetc across
> the network or are there any others simpler options?
> --
> Harpo+
> http://elserver.forknet-ar.org/harpo/
> [FP] F152 8D50 6939 E21A 7A90  CDD4 AEE4 FA48 DF70 4D68

Andrew Ulysses Baker