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Re: [school-discuss] Re: an association for the open content - lyx users group?
- To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Re: an association for the open content - lyx users group?
- From: email.listen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 16:09:57 +0100
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On Thu, 22. February 2007 15:18:26 Gunnar Stefansson wrote:
> > Exchanging maths text is among my interests too. Have you tried
> > the LyX (http;//lyx.org) graphical interface to provide your text
> > to readers and coworkers, rather than plain latex files?
> No, partly because I am lazy but also this is a rather thorny issue:
> If you look at Wikipedia and other open or semi-open content
> providers, each one has a nonstandard format for storage of maths.
> I was particularly interested in getting seniors/retirees to
> contribute but although many of them are perfectly computer-litterate,
> they tend to each use their own different system, though latex and
> groff will be the most useful. The same is true of graphics formats -
> people like to use gnuplot, xfig and R which we support.
> We're working on a Plone interface, where we will allow the user to
> enter LaTeX which can be rendered on the fly - but Lyx may well be
> something which we should look at... I will not have time to
> contribute to a user group, but would likely have students take a look
> at whether we can include this in our tutor-web.
> Cheers
> Gunnar
If it targets educational purposes I would say it's worth to have a closer
look at ILIAS [1]. ILIAS is an e-learning platform which suports LaTeX and a
lot of other formats, e.g. OpenOffice.org.
Aside using ILIAS as an e-learning platform I think it is a very good working
platform for teachers working in a colaborative environment and for sharing
class material.
[1] http://www.ilias.de/ios/index-e.html