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Re: [school-discuss] class scheduling applications needed
I think the thing to do is to have a look at the seul app database in the admin
category: http://richtech.ca/cgi-bin/seul/seulvw.pl?category=Administrative
This is a much needed tool for all schools, so if anyone has put time into
finding / creating the one that works, let us know.
Quoting jkinz@rcn.com:
> Hi- In connection to my efforts to get a school started using Open Source
> software (ie Linux), I've been asked if there is a scheduling application
> available for managing class/classroom scheduling ?
> This is software that would take in lists of students, the courses each
> student has to take, instructors, and classrooms and would output a
> proposed
> schedule which (in theory) allows all the students to get all the classes
> they
> need.
> Any one have any ideas or suggestions ?
> --
> Jeff Kinz, Director, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA. "jkinz@ultranet.com"
> copyright 1995-2002. Use restricted to non-UCE uses. Any other use is an
> acceptance of the offer at http://www.ultranet.com/~jkinz/policy.html.
> "jkinz@rcn.com" copyright 2002. Use is restricted. Any use is an
> acceptance of the offer at http://users.rcn.com/jkinz/policy.html.
> (¬_ -o)
> //\ eLviintuaxbilse /\\
> V_/_ _\_V
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