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Re: gEDA-user: Commandline option --menu-file

Hello Kai-Martin,

Am 14.08.2011 21:16, schrieb Kai-Martin Knaak:
Felix Ruoff wrote:
By the way: Improving the menu-structure of pcb was the second task,
where I started to code for pcb. But then I found so many other things
to improve, that this will still need a lot of time :-).
I might chime in and start working toward a better menu. The current menu
deviates significantly from what has become standard in other applications.
You are refering to a discussion on the list in autumn 2010, do you? I'd
be happy to see these changes in the default menu.

Yes, this is the discussion, I was refering to. I did some more steps at this but not much. I came to the point, where I think, a 'mixed menu generation' would be nice. A lot of fixed menu-items, hard coded, for all this items like 'Open', 'Copy', ..., and some menu-items generated by (g)pcb-menu.res. The advantage would be, that menu-items like 'Paste' can get grayed-out (disabled) when there is no data in the buffer. Or the 'Copy' item is only enabled, when something is selected (this could avoid the 'select an Item to continue' state where the whole menu gets grayed out).

Ok, this are just my actual thoughts. I think, they need a lot of discussion and implementation, so it will need some time since I will have a working version. Perhaps I will post my thoughts about the menu-reordering (and -renaming) which I have done so far in the next days. Not now, because I have to go to work.
BTW, did anyone review the menu patch I sent to the list lately?
Yes, it is the post with "[PATCH]" in the subject line.
Any chance, it gets applied?

Yes, I have read your patch. Since I have never used this functions, I don't know much about them. The task I am actually working on, is to check/rebase your patch for commandline options from April 2010. For this reason I did not spend more time to figure out, if your patch is correct. By the way... I could see nothing in your patch, that could break any functionality with PCB ;-). Perhaps, one of the other devs have the time to review your patch, else, I will do it when the commandline-option-patch has applied.

Kind regards,

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