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Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

> I am not shure if it is possible to have non-circular drill holes in
> gerber files. We can have the "pad" around the hole be of any shape,
> but the hole itself probably needs to be circular.

We can have any shape hole we want, if we export it as a gerber file
instead of an excellon file.  However, that doesn't mean the fab will
manufacture it.

> Currently it seems that physical layer will contain:

My thoughts are that you have one or more drawing layers per physical
layer, and you can add/remove them as needed.  Basically, you have a
stack of drawing layers, with each assigned to a physical layer (by
number, I suppose), rather than pre-defining what layers each physical
layer "needs".

This is not much different than what we do now - we have layer groups
(which become physical layers) and layers (which become drawing
sheets), which we put into groups.  I'm suggesting a change of
semantics to better reflect how groups *should* be used.

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