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Re: gEDA-user: Adding Auto-thermals Was:Re: Thanks a million, and few small questions for a new user
On Mar 25, 2008, at 10:06 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Did you mean auto-thermal and THERMAL flag, or do each via and pin
>> have a VIA flag which indicates whether it needs a thermal?
> Each pin/via has a set of flags, one for each layer, that says if it
> should have a thermal, and what type.
I would also add a flag here to say is the via was auto placed or
manually placed.
> In addition, apparently, each rat line has a flag that says if it can
> be implemented as a thermal to a polygon on some layer.
>> Also, you mention a pin can be within a surface polygon but isolated
>> from it. What is a surface polygon (as apposed to an ordinary
>> polygon)?
> Consider a ground plane on the back of a two-layer board. It's a big
> rectangle. However, traces on the back may "cut out" part of the
> rectangle to leave a bare area. You cannot use a thermal to connect
> to the ground plane here, but if you just look at the big rectangle
> you'd think you could.
> This is less of an issue if the ground plane is on an internal layer,
> only because there's less chance of there being traces there. Still
> you have to check no matter which layer it's on.
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